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Roskakatos collective & Tsuumi Dance Theatre:
Art from the vague moment of the relationship with nature

A multi-year, rotating event that changes with the performance venues, Hiuskarvan varassa will be experienced for the first time in the summer of 2023 in Kuopio, on June 19th-20th. In its first event, the Roskakatos collective recycles Tsuumi Dance Theatre’s works MARTAT and We Called Her Bertha as well as the free field productions lollollollollollollol, Matriarkka and OMPELUSEURAT into an eventful entity in a common landscape.

Hiuskarvan varassa is an experiential performance event where nature is built from discarded objects and things in a gritty concrete environment. Examining the wall between man and nature, the ensemble plays with scales and the collision of organic and built nature. The experiential event, even reaching dystopian dimensions, invites the viewer to step into the vague moments of the Finnish relationship with nature and ask themselves ”Am I nature?”

A few years ago, Tsuumi’s works MARTAT and We Called Her Bertha, which premiered at the joint evening, will be seen in a completely new arrangement at the event. They are presented in the same space one on top of the other, commenting on each other, and the works form the second half of the event. Bertha powerfully reflects nature and its endless cycle through abstraction; Martat is like a person who, through his everyday activities, establishes a relationship with nature.

Duration of the event: app. 2,5 h

Performances in Kuopio, at VR-konepaja
Mon 19/06/2023 18:00
Tue 20/06/2023 18:00

Entrance fee: 22/16€
From each ticket, 1€ will be donated to the purchase of ikimetsä.

Working group

Concept: Roskatos collective
Visual design: Mirkka Nyrhinen and Jaana Kurttila
Photos: Roskatos collective
Trailer: Roskatos collective
Production: Tsuumi Dance Theater and Roskakatos collective

Original works that will be recycled at the event:

We Called Her Bertha

Performers: Johanna Elovaara, Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Ville Rauhala
Choreography: Johanna Elovaara, Reetta-Kaisa Iles
Music: Ville Rauhala
Scenography: Mirkka Nyrhinen


Performers: Riikka Puumalainen and Anne-Mari Kivimäki
Choreography: Riikka Puumalainen
Music: Anne-Mari Kivimäki
Directed by: Tanjalotta Räikkä
Scenography: Jaana Kurttila
Sound design: Antti Puumalainen


Choreography, performance: Sanni Kriikku, Terhi Hart
Scenography: Jaana Kurttila, Mirkka Nyrhinen
Sound design: Eetu Palomäki

Matriarkka Demo

Performer: Johanna Keinänen
Directed by: Taru Kivinen
Visualization: Roskatos collective


Ompeluseurat performance series:
Lasse Forsgren: Toinen puhe

Ompeluseurat art collective acts as a multidisciplinary working and performance platform for freelancers. Ompeluseurat is a communal, multi-artistic group that brings together people of different ages. Active members of the collective: Jauhiainen, Juusela, Forsgren and Kurttila

The Roskakatos collective consists of scenographers Jaana Kurttila and Mirkka Nyrhinen and changing designers. Light, sound and video designer Antti Lindholm from Oulu will be a guest at the first Hiuskarva vara event.

The Roskatos collective recycles performing art and the resources used for it, refines discarded goods and garbage into interesting spaces into layered entities, and spreads the good news of recycling, while making uncompromising art for the public.


Hiuskarvan varassa: MARTAT/ We Called Her Bertha / Jäätikkö / Them two
14.09.2024 18:00
Kalasatama, Kulosaaren sillan alla, Capellan puistotie, Helsinki

Hiuskarvan varassa: Gritty B
14.09.2024 23:00
Kalasatama, Kulosaaren sillan alla, Capellan puistotie, Helsinki

Hiuskarvan varassa: MARTAT/ We Called Her Bertha / Jäätikkö / Them two
15.09.2024 14:00
Kalasatama, Kulosaaren sillan alla, Capellan puistotie, Helsinki